Frequently Asked Questions

While the Official Rules outline the complete details of this promotion, your question may already be answered below.

What are the prizes for this promotion?
See the Official Rules for complete details.
How many prizes could I win?
One sweepstakes prize per person.
How will I know if I'm the sweepstakes winner?
See Official Rules for draw date details. The winner will be notified via the contact information provided upon registration.
I got a message that I've already entered, but I haven't. What should I do?
Make sure you are visiting directly rather than a bookmarked page in your browser.
I think I’m having technical issues. What should I do?
Sometimes it's a simple thing like updating your browser. Check to be sure that you have a modern version of Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Safari. Also, you may want to be sure to check your browser preferences section to be sure JavaScript is enabled.
I have recently moved or updated my email address. Can I change my registration information for this promotion?
We apologize for any inconvenience, but due to the number of entries we receive, we are unable to change registration information unless you are awarded a prize. If you do win a prize during the promotional period, please contact and provide your updated information.
Why can’t I use my P.O. Box address to register or claim my prize?
Your home address allows us to identify your residence for eligibility purposes.